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Our Chesapeake Bay Cruise Adventure 👨‍✈️


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Our Chesapeake Bay Cruise Adventure 👨‍✈️

Keula Binelly

Our Chesapeake Bay Cruise Adventure

16 Days, we visited 14 places and navigated more than 500 miles on the water.

If I had only one word to describe our trip, I would say “GRATITUDE”
We are so grateful for this time together...we recharged our batteries, reconnected our souls and created memories that will last forever and according to Scott we are the most grateful for nothing breaking. God is faithful! My prayers were answered. 🙏🏻🦋❤️
Here is the recap of the places we visited:
1st Leg- Gilligan’s, spent the night on the hook at Porto Tabbaco River 
2nd Leg- Colonial Beach
3rd Leg- Point Look Out Marina
4th Leg- Salomons Island
5th Leg- St. Michaels and we stayed there for two days
6th Leg-Rock Hall
7th Leg- Baltimore Inner Harbor Marina 
8th Leg- Annapolis City Docks Marina (Ego Aley) 
9th Leg- Herrington Harbor South Marina & Resort, and we spent two days there.
10th Leg- Vera’s Beach Club at the Patuxent River 
11th Leg- Coles Point Marina
12th Leg- Fairview Beach and Rick’s on the River 
13th Leg- Washington DC Georgetown Waterfront 

Click here to learn more!